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FAQ about Wild life

  I found a baby bird on the ground. What should I do? Baby birds will often leave the nest before they have all their feathers, and before they are strong flyers. If you find a baby bird out of its nest, watch it from a safe distance. Often , the mother has simply gone to fetch the chick a meal and will return soon. Raising a chick is very difficult, and almost every case the chick has better chance of survival with its mother in the wild than it does in the care of well-intentioned human rescuers. If you have watched the chick and determined that it´s a true orphan or that it looks very sick,call permitted wildlife rehabilitator in your area. How can I attract hummingbirds? Hummingbirds are visual creatures, so by providing a garden full of brifghtly colored flowers, a water source, and a few perchin trees, you are certain to have hummingbirds. Remember that hummingbirdshave very tiny, weak feet, so make sure the water is very shallow or has a dripper o mister attachment. Typical hum

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